Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 7:00 p.m.

The 2nd meeting this year of the Afton Downs Homeowners Association has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 13, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. at the Smyrna Library in Downtown Smyrna, which is located near the newly-constructed Village Market Square on Atlanta Road.

Highlights of the October meeting will include the election and final voting of one president for the Afton Downs Homeowners Association; the election of other Board members and committees; the addition of speed bumps in our streets; and more (agenda delivered to you). If you are interested in running for the Board, please contact Fara at 404-723-1744 or Milton at 770-435-7299. This meeting also will give you the opportunity to pay your 2004 twenty-five-dollar membership dues which will enable you to vote.

We urge homeowners to attend this meeting and take the opportunity to vote on issues that affect our neighborhood and how we live in it. If you want to continue to see positive changes in the community in which you live and to see your property values increase, it is your absolute responsibility to attend the meeting and to vote. If you cannot attend the meeting, vote by proxy also is allowed and welcomed. Please use only the proxy delivered to you to assign your vote. Drop off the completed and signed proxy to mailbox 5110 Afton Way as soon as possible.

In order to vote, or to run for a position on the Board you must be current with your Association dues for 2004.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Afton Downs Homeowners Association, Inc.


I. Call meeting to order
- introduce current and new board members and committees

II. Parking
- revisit past parking situation and actions taken to resolve/alleviate issue

III. Speed Bumps
- discuss speed bumps with regards to fast and speed driving through Afton Downs
- vote/sign petition to approve speed bumps in our neighborhood

IV. Renting
- discuss homeowner responsibility to renter and Association when renting
- discuss number of residents living in a single dwelling
- discuss section 8 renting in Afton Downs and its affects on the community

V. Covenants
- disseminate copies of covenants to all meeting attendees
- discuss Afton Downs covenants vs. City of Smyrna covenants

VI. Treasurer’s report
- spreadsheet update on finances

VII. Nominations & elections
- for president
- for secretary
- for social committee
- for additional board members

VIII. End of meeting


Minutes for the meeting of 10/13/2004 Started at 19:00 and adjourned at 20:45 p.m.

Subjects covered:

- Parking issue, possibly paint a yellow line on Oakley Trace.
- Roaming cats; call animal control.
- Create Slow Down campaign in an effort to slow down the fast drivers who drive through the neighborhood above the speed limit.
- Find out the exact number of renters for next meeting.
- Create a committee to revise by-laws and covenants.
- Zoning option for section 8.
- Island hire a landscaping company and possibly put lights, water in the island.
- Campaign to collect money from more homeowners and also show the homeowners a statement of where the money is being used.
- Next meeting Thursday, January 13, 7 p.m. - Smyrna Library .
- October Party (Halloween Party )
- Create Mandatory Association

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