Afton Downs Painting Tips


The painting of the exterior of homes must be approved, in writing, by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) when a color change is desired. An Afton Downs-approved color chart is available for you to choose desired paint colors when painting the exterior of your home. All colors should blend with those nearby and with others in the neighborhood. You may have noticed that some exterior colors clash with others nearby – those colors were not approved. Contact the ACC for approval. The approved color chart also offers suggestions as to which colors to use on trim, siding, shutters and doors. Please check with the ADHA prior to painting.


Here are a few painting tips:


  1. Trim color includes fascia and all trim boards. This includes the trim around the windows, gutters and downspouts, stair rails, porch rails, stair pickets, and porch ceiling. These should be painted in white, beige or light gray.


  1. Steps should be painted the same color as the siding.


  1. Garage doors paint should match the color of your siding, unless otherwise approved by the ACC.


  1. Front door and shutters should be painted in the same color. These should be painted in darker colors.


  1. Do not forget to paint the sides of your unit (anything under your roof is your responsibility). The sides of units that abut each other are often forgotten.


  1. Rear of units should be painted at the same time as the rest of the unit.



For more painting tips, information on approved color charts, or to receive a chart, please contact Talia Jeanty, chairperson of the ACC at